Sunday, May 01, 2005

Airbus A380 is here to stay ....

The Airbus A380 is here folks, long awaited. The Frankfurt airport has a model for display, btw. Hats off to Airbus for all their investment in the A380 technology, design ... but whats something to think about, no, be concerned about, is logistics when it comes to the airports handling the load that the A380's are going to dump on them. Imagine 4 A380's going thru Frankfurt on transit, and 1000 passengers wanting to drink coffee at the only 2 Starbuck's locations. Great opportunity for a lot of businesses to cash in on this, but before that the airports that have committed to change have a crapload of investment to do as far as revamp of the present infrastructure.

Cannot wait to make first A380 trip ... maybe go all out and do business class, if my employer agrees to pay for it ;)


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